Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mothers Day (part 2)

He seriously sang to me!!
I was in tears by letter T....

After E heard C she went and wrote her own 
Mother's Day Song

My Mother's Day gifts

Foot Butterflies

All About My Mom
Some of my favorite answers;
My mom is.... (E) 10 Shoes tall.
My mom weighs... (B) Super Heavy pounds.
My mom is really good at... (A) Being Patient.
The best thing my mom cooks is... (N) Complicated Food.
 My mom's favorite thing to do is.... (C) Smile.
My mom is specialbecause.....
(B) She loves me.
(N) She is unique and awesome.
(E) She is my mom.
(A) She is my mommy.
(C) God made her. 

E made a questionair for me to do about my mom... :-)
What my mom likes to do.....
Play with grandkids!

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