Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A's friends B Day is coming...

Warming up


E reading the end of 
Where the Wild Things Are

A's friend K's Birthday is on the 23rd
so he made her some gifts!

Monday, May 20, 2013

B the Photographer?!?

B go the camera... the Nice one.
This is one of the photos from the living room.....

One of his photos of me.... 

And the last photo on his binge... 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Boondocks Fundraiser

The Bowling King!




Mom and E
We are going to beat those boys!!

Thinks he can out drive mom....

Dad and B

The cutest drivers I have seen all day!

A, C, N & C

Speed Demons!

Laser Tag!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Baseball Family Style

Is it actually a race
when you are an awesome big sister
and intended to tie your little brother the entire time?!

Batters up!

"We want a pitcher not a belly itcher!"


And what is the All American passtime
without a visit from the Ice Cream Man?!

Maybe it was all that Baseball practice
that helped him win the last Soccer game of the season!?
Orange Leaf to celebrate!
Go N!

Friday, May 17, 2013

C was on fire tonight!


Is that a completely satisfied and proud smile or what?!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Last Band Concert for A

A decided not to take Band again next year 
so this is his last concert!
sniff....   ;(

B got on 1st!!

This cute little man got on 1st!!! So proud!!!!
I love the 'jump' onto base... LOL!

Monday, May 13, 2013

MD, DC & the DR

I had the privilege of accompanying my long-time BFF
Melissa H to see a neurologist in MD
we have  lovingly dubbed "The Wizzard"
I wont tell you how we described this descent into the Metro Station
 but I will secretly laugh to myself.....

Our first day in "Oz", Melissa was feling pretty good
so we took a little adventure on the Metro

Exploring the National Mall we saw the beautiful
Smithsonian Castle

We could have spent days inside the Smithsonian Museum.
We saw the Hope Diamond, mummies, monkeys, elephants
and learned how to determin gender
from a pelvic bone and occipital scull bones.   

Catching up in this cute little diner....
Though 'The Wizzard' didnt fix my BFF on the spot
he gave us Hope, something I am truly grateful for.
 Selfishly, I would like to have her around for many more years to come.

This picture sort of sums up our trip.
Room service at the hotel
cafeteria food in the ER
 How is this for corny..?
 It doesnt matter where we are or what we do as long as we are together!

Sunday, May 12, 2013