Saturday, March 22, 2014

Date With Uncle K

I wish I could say I have the skill I once had but sadly those are days of yesteryear. Uncle K is a shark! I knew I had little to no chance from the beginning but by some forgotten skill and a strong dose of luck I only lost the 20 something games we played by a few.  I had a GREAT time! 

A quick word on my gratitude for this guy. He came out and stayed with me for a month to be my Manny. I don't have any idea how I could have made it through March without his help. He held the for together when I was working. He not only had fun with the kids he went above and beyond to make sure the house was clean and in order when I got home. He took the kids swimming, to the park, on walks, on bike rides, to the connivence store to get frozen drinks, watched many cartoon movies. He washed dished, did the laundry, supervised morning after-school and bedtime routines, picked up from daycare, cooked dinners, made snacks, took A to the gym.... and on nights when I was crawling myself home at 1am from work we had time to hang out, visit, laugh and get to know each other better.
Love you little brother

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