Saturday, April 20, 2013

Backpacking in Escalante with the Bigs

Day 1 - 9 miles
Day 2 - 61/2 miles


We left the house at 4:30 am Friday morning

40 miles of washboard 

N driving for the first time..
Perma Grin!

A driving... old hat

'Spike' (AKA the car) made it &
packs are ready!

Let the adventure begin

N climbing the sandstone

Beginning - Sandstone as far as you can see

The bigs....
(photo taken through the plastic bag)

Made it into the wash!

A said
 "If you are impressed with this,
just wait,  it getts better!" 

Jacob Hamblin Arch

Our camp site

A suggested we bring slippers.
After 9 miles our feet were grateful!

Sleeping under the stars.

The view from our sleeping-bags 

Day 2 involved lots of water....
Skipping rocks

Playing in the falls




Drying off

Middle - Drying rock and lunch meadow 


Natural Bridge

We made it!
Climbed the Jacob Hamblin Arch
death defying rock cliff,
and survived! 

The End - From the top of Jacob Hamblin Arch


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