Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Day In The Life....

So at the crack of freaking dawn we were in
West Jordan for A's orthodontist appointment.
 His teeth were starting to move b/c he lost his 3rd set of retainers, grrr.
Therese are his new ones. Doesn't he look excited?!
After I dropped A off at school I walk into the house and this is what I saw....
 B chilling on the bottom stair, still in his PJ's,
with his sisters headphones on and watching Netflix on dads iPhone 5.
 He has such a rough life!

Today we had beautiful Spring weather so B went outside and
showed his True Blue Boy Colors!! 
Then he comes home and E shows her True Pink Big Sister Colors!
This is my youngest daughter Isabel. Isn't she beautiful? 

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