Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday

One of our favorite places to visit when
Grandma and Grandpa come to visit.
Love them!!
(E's photography skills!)  
Many species of birds to see.
Thanks C for bringing your binoculars
 and sharing them so generously.

Best little video EVER! 
My children the actors and J the director! 
Makes me laugh out loud every time I watch it!!

The real reason for Easter? Jesus!
Quietly watching movies about Jesus' life and resurrection.

Traditional egg coloring...
Trying an alteration this year, shaving foam w/ food coloring.
 Results, not the best, but it sure was fun trying!!

B. Is. Fearless! and not in a good way.
 He jumped right into the pool,
 clothes on and everything,
 before he realized he couldn't swim!!!
So mom got to follow, clothes on and everything!!!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Small-Town Saturday

Annual City Easter Egg Hunt;
lots of kids, lots of eggs,
lots of prizes and lots of fun!!

B was dressed in his baseball gear when
 Grandma and Grandpa pulled up.
He was ready to take them to the ball park and play some ball!

Mom and A 

Grandma and C

After an baseball game and Life of Pi,
 we decided we needed a pizza-pie....
 Grandpa is the best EVER!

Friday, March 29, 2013


B said his frogs name today was
'Big Green Frog Who Likes To Party' 

B learning to use chopsticks this afternoon
at my favorite vietnamese restaurant, 'Kim Long'.
He was super excited!  

N is starting his season off with a BANG!
 Soccer 4 out of 5 days this week!
Go Marauders!!
The hill at the soccer field has been dubbed
'Our Favorite Hill'!
C wore this hat all afternoon..... 

One of the best helpers ever!

2 siblings, 2 straws, 1 large cup of water.... Priceless!

And what a better way to end the evening...
Shattering a bottle of bright St.Patricks Day Green
 nail polish all over myself and the bathroom floor! Nice, very nice!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The new sister...

....ok I had to post this!

A Day In The Life....

So at the crack of freaking dawn we were in
West Jordan for A's orthodontist appointment.
 His teeth were starting to move b/c he lost his 3rd set of retainers, grrr.
Therese are his new ones. Doesn't he look excited?!
After I dropped A off at school I walk into the house and this is what I saw....
 B chilling on the bottom stair, still in his PJ's,
with his sisters headphones on and watching Netflix on dads iPhone 5.
 He has such a rough life!

Today we had beautiful Spring weather so B went outside and
showed his True Blue Boy Colors!! 
Then he comes home and E shows her True Pink Big Sister Colors!
This is my youngest daughter Isabel. Isn't she beautiful? 


I have been an amateur runner for a few years now. There are a lot of runners in my neighborhood so many so that there are two Ragnar teams. The Ragnar is a relay of 200(ish) miles, each runner has 3 legs of between 3 mile runs to 10 mile runs on the Wasatch Back. This is me thinking about joining a team....March 26th 2013


I bought Costa Vida coupons from a cute neighbor girl yesterday. And since it was getting late, we were on our way home from N's soccer scrimmage, and we were close, we stopped for a yummy dinner.

While we waited for our food, the three littles and I played with the table paper center piece. These are our results....