Monday, September 30, 2013


This picture makes me so incredably happy!
I asked the kids to help me get the house straitened up this morning
 and today they were excited to do so....
E even made my bed for me... She is a wonderful girl!

Um yep C is just that awesome!!

School carnival.. 

7 goldfish won tonight, yes 7!

Do you see my kiss mark?
A gave it to me....  XO

Ice cream and chicken nuggets..... yum

Ice cream and french fries.... mmmm

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Primary Program

Today the 3 littles had a primary program. 
They all did a great job.
All three had their part memorized, even B!
C stood at the front of the chapel like a gentleman.
E snuck a wave to mom and dad.
And B, well he stood on his tip toes, turned around, 
ducked behind his friends 
and waved with both hands in the air.
 I was smiling proudly........ 

Snuggling with B & N while we all watched a movie...
superb way to end a Sunday

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Seriously Fun Saturday

Beautiful weather for a soccer game this morning...

Ouch!! Top hand;
Pinky and Ring Fingers are already starting to swell

C made this during the game.

While he was taking a photo of his hut
 he also got some selfies...

One of the things on our to do list today
was a stop at the DI
C found a bargain a $2 Robot!

What great moves C has?!
Thanks Robot!

Video Arcade w/ dad

The absolute best way to end a day...
...a book!

Ben fell asleep on the recliner...
N carried him over to the couch...
Just to snuggle him

Friday, September 27, 2013

Last Day On Track

E got her class shirt yesterday, just in time b/c
today is Friday the traditional day to wear class shirts...

Today is also C & Es last day 'on track'... 

Celebrating the next 3 weeks 'off track' w/ DQ
Do you see C & B's goofy faces?!

I'm astonished how much amusement
 .12 cents will create!  

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Wings & Water Wetlands Field Trip

Three square bulrush....
and brine shrimp...

View of the wetlands from the tower

C and mom the chaperone... 

Mother/Son Scout Spaghetti dinner...
This wonderful young scout helped prepare dinner
and even served his mama like a gentleman..
I think I'll keep him ;)

E's last soccer game of the season...
and it was a COLD one!!


Wednesday, September 25, 2013


C got the part he tried out for;
The Big Bad Wolf!!

E has her Kindergarten teacher again for 2nd grade
and love, love, loves her!
As do her parents. E is excelling as always! Super proud!

C was amazing!
His teacher loves him and gets his great personality.
Doing very well so far this year!! Proud!!

B fell asleep in Sissy's bed
as I read to the littles tonight....
Super cute!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Typical Tuesday

A friendly game of chess before 8am
is such a fitting way to start the day! ;)

First day of play practice... 
Doo Wop Wed Riding Hood

Goalie practice 

E and B slide racing while N has soccer practice  

so handsome

Monday, September 23, 2013

Magic Show

I was surprised when I received this ticket to the magic show!

They just saw the movie 'Now You See Me' 
and are now fascinated with creating their own magic! 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Friendship Bracelets

I was in meetings all day yesterday.
I made friendship bracelets for my loves while I listened...

My favorite way to end the day....
(photo snapped by N)

Friday, September 20, 2013


I enjoyed being serenaded while I folded clothes..

As I was driving into SLC this is what I heard... 
So fun!! 
N has taken Spanish for a few weeks and
 E has recently blossomed with confidence in her speaking.
Happiness! :D

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Funny Faces.... and Candy Canes

Funny faces... 
He said "take a video"...
 then 1/2 way through he says "take a picture"....

Finger Soccer



Candy Canes!!!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


C's first ever tryout... 
He was a bit nervous but he did very well.
He had his part memorized and everything...

Its been an exhausting few days...
so I made an executive decision;
Uplifting Movie Night   

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Talked W/The Teacher About Auditioning

Name on the Audition sheet for a speaking part- Check

Date - Check
Time - Check

Script - Check
Part - Check

Excitement - Check

Little brother & sister - Check check